Monday, March 23, 2009

Another day...

Just sitting here at work...waiting countless for time to creep by before I call it a day here...Woo..I made it through another one! Thank the heaven's above. I called my doc today, just inquiring on when my lupron injections will clear my system...I was told it could take up to 12 weeks. Damn...I was so praying that the remnants of the medicine would be out of my system by now...Oh well. I guess we will have to wait for a full cycle before we can TTC. I guess that is a saving least...we will be able to coordinate my ovulation time better. Now is the waiting game. Honestly I don't feel like my cycle is coming fact...I don't have any pains at all. It is like my body is completely clear of anything that has ever plagued it before. Is that amazing or what? To think back...I was taking pain meds from October and just stop earlier this month. I pray that this steak will from from worries of getting sick.

I feel optimistic right is getting better and I'm content. Many blessings to all.....

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